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Specialized APHIS 360-degree Surveys

APHIS employees have a selection of three different, tailored 360-degree insight instruments. Relevant questions provide rich feedback from up to four respondent groups.  After ordering the instrument, you are contacted to provide the names of from five to fifteen individuals whose perspectives you value.  Your selected respondents are then invited to access the APHIS Survey website and respond at their convenience.  When the agreed-upon number of responses are received, you will be contacted for a in-depth feedback session.  If you are in the Washington metropolitan area, the feedback is conducted in person at a mutually-agreed-upon time.  In-depth telephonic feedback is provided to participants outside of the Washington area.

APHIS Supervisor

81 scaled questions

26 competencies

APHIS Manager

91 scaled questions

29 competencies

APHIS Executive

100 scaled questions

30 competencies

If you wish to see yourself through others' eyes, you can start the survey process by clicking the Buy Now button above which will take you to a Pay Pal Order Page.  Click the NOT A  PAY PAL Member button.  Be sure to include your e-mail address and telephone number in the comment section.  Or if you just want more information please call Don Dusenbury at 540-635-4466. 

Organizational Assessment & Development, Inc., 591 William Vincent Road, Bentonville, VA 22610

  oadinc@dusenbury.com                       ©2009 Organizational Assessment & Development, Inc.