| Balance and Wellness Programs: Balance is more than time management, it is how we live each moment of our lives. A balanced employee is more creative, effective and productive. The components of classes vary, but in general, balance includes: understanding the concept of balance; learning and change; attitude, energy and enthusiasm; living and working with a sense of humor; stress management barriers to balance; overcoming barriers; nutrition; fitness; and resiliency. All programs can be taught with single or multiple faculty. Fully staffed programs include a register dietitian speaking on nutrition and fitness experts addressing fitness issues and leading exercise. These classes, led by renowned stress expert, John Dunlap, routinely receive the highest rankings and are felt by many to be the most important classes in developmental programs. Wellness and Maximum Effectiveness: Wellness reduces absenteeism, attrition, and counterproductive attitudes while promoting maximum energy and productivity. Wellness includes balance program materials with an additional health component, which can include health screening Going far beyond “not being sick,” wellness is a concept of vitality. It involves living an energetic, enjoyable and productive life. Peak performance is difficult in the absence of wellness. Health Renaissance: Our flagship wellness and personal effectiveness program. A minimum four day program spread out over a minimum of six weeks (plus additional exercise time) This program is designed for behavioral change and includes health evaluations, stress management, nutrition and fitness as well as behavioral change information and practice. Leading Balance: Addressing balance from a leadership perspective. Creating Balance during Changing and Stressful Times: Focusing on balance in times of chaos. Maintaining Balance: Examining the general concepts of balance with emphasis on implementation. You’re Here, So Now What? Finding significance in work for senior managers and executives. Additional courses based on the balance concepts and building leadership from the inside out.
Stress Management: This is a series of courses from the most basic to highly technical material, the latter taught by Richard Rahe, M.D., a leading stress pioneer and expert. (Dr. Rahe is the co-author of the Holmes-Rahe Recent Life Change Questionnaire which is still cited and used in articles and books on the subject). Courses are built on the premise that all stress (of the kind discussed in general stress management courses) is based on perception. With the exception of courses focusing on basic stress management techniques and courses dealing with traumatic stress, emphasis is on understanding how we “manufacture” our own stress and how we can minimize the negative effects and maximize the positive effects of stress. Introductory Stress Management Intermediate Stress Management Advanced Stress Management Stress Management for Supervisors Stress Management for Managers Stress Management for Executives Understanding PostTraumatic Stress Disorder Recognizing and Living with PostTraumatic Stress Disorder: Addressing the issues of traumatic stress and vicarious traumatic stress
Fitness: Instructors lead students through the theory and practice of fitness. Even couch potatoes love these classes. The Personal Mastery Paradigm: An advanced, tailored workshop for those seeking personal excellence and success defined in their own terms. There is a good reason why this is called a “WORKshop.” To discuss how we can help reduce stress and improve employee productivity, call us at 540.635.4466 or send an E-mail. ©2009 Organizational Assessment & Development, Inc. |