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Our Principles

These principles and values guide OA&D's work:

  • Buy-in works better than persuasion or coercion

  • Involvement and communication are the keys to buy-in

  • All of us are smarter than one of us

  • People doing a job know it best

  • Most people want to be dealt with honestly

  • Building on strengths ensures continued success; building up weaknesses avoids failures

  • Most people are doing the best they can under the circumstances

  • Human behavior wasn't learned overnight and it doesn't change overnight

  • We can do almost anything better than it's being done right now

  • People are wonderfully and frustratingly complex

  • Organizations are wonderfully different and complex systems

  • Strengthening internal capacity builds evergreen programs

  • Lasting results are the focus of our work

If these principles make sense to you, call us at 540.635.4466 or send us e-mail!  


©2009 Organizational Assessment & Development, Inc.