| Organization Development-Building a Better WorkplaceResults begin and end with people. When the right climate is established and maintained, people work hard because they WANT TO rather than because they HAVE TO. With the right climate, employees continuously develop creative ideas, people look forward to coming to work, and organizations are more profitable. Developing a collaborative relationship between the organization and the employees, once considered a luxury; has become a necessity. Competition has resulted in reduced staff and limited resources. Employees are continually being asked to do more with less, often in tighter timeframes. Progressive organizations are realizing that they can no longer afford for their leaders to learn by trial and error. Productivity, profitability, return on investment; all have to be accomplished by working effectively with and through people.Not every problem can be most efficiently resolved with internal resources. Consultants from OA&D bring diverse experience gained from helping other organizations grapple with similar problems and provide assistance just when it's needed, and only for as long as it's needed. While many modern management tools can be applied across a range of situations, help is often needed to incorporate the special requirements of a given situation. We work with organizations experiencing change as well as with healthy organizations looking for further growth and improvement. Thus, a small investment in outside help can yield a large return in the form of changed behavior.Often specific organizational problems have origins in general organizational conditions. Few meaningful problems can be resolved with a single fix here or a training course there. We work with clients to look past the symptoms and address the underlying causes. For instance, if a company is having trouble getting people to accept a new organizational structure, the resistance may be related to underlying problems such as too little time devoted to dealing with what is being given up, unclear understanding of the need for the change, or a lack of opportunity to participate in decision making. Using our collaborative approach we help the client identify the problems, find its strengths, and implement a long lasting solution.To help organizations address problems with wide-ranging root causes, Organizational Assessment & Development:
To discuss how we can help improve the job satisfaction and employee productivity, call us at 540.635.4466 or send an e-mail.©2009 Organizational Assessment & Development, Inc. |