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20/20 Insight Gold-Climate Surveys

Purpose: Provides almost infinitely variable insights into a team or organizational work climate.  Climate surveys are important for action planning because they focus on data provided by the group itself.

Target Audience: Employees or work groups at all levels

Factors: Extremely flexible. More than 1,000 survey questions in 140 skill categories.  Any question can be adapted or created.  Up to four different scales per survey project.  Respondent media options include paper, internet, intranet, diskette, or e-mail.

20/20 Insight climate survey instruments can be tailored to fit almost any situation.  Elements that can be modified include the organizational factors, rating scales, rater categories, individual weightings, computer-based vs. paper-based, and the report formats.  The instrument can be purchased for one time use or for permanent, unlimited licensure.  There are no installation or certification costs although the tailoring is facilitated if the user is trained.

Data Display Formats:

Bar graphs



Can be organized into summary information, detailed information, and developmental highlights.

As desired

Responses can be included after each question or at the end of the survey

Cost: Generally is $500.00 per recipient (includes group orientation and individual interpretation)


Vendor: Organizational Assessment & Development, Inc.
591 William Vincent Road
Bentonville, VA 22610
Phone: (540) 635-4466


 ©2009 Organizational Assessment & Development, Inc.